Logan is however still doing well in school. He has gotten a 100 on every spelling and math test so far. He is in advanced math and seems to love learning. He hates homework and some days I can't say I blame him. He is getting between 30 minutes - hour every night. UGH!
I miss seeing the beautiful fall colors but it is wonderful weather down here. Still in the 80's every day and sunny. Work has been busy which is a mixed blessing of course.
I thought that we were going to get by without a birthday party this year. I discussed it with Logan and he was ok with it. HOWEVER, when I got to school today to pick him up -- he had made invitations on notebook paper to his party which he was handing out to all his classmates.!! His teacher was amused and perplexed. No kidding!! So now we have to decide if we are going to have a party. Rick has said no but softy mama is considering it....
Have a great week. beth