Little tidbits from my world, life and days with Logan.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Well it's another post. What's up with that. Well we went to the zoo yesterday. I think I have a budding photographer. I actually had to fight with Logan over taking photos of the animals. Of course, he didn't want to pose for me.... so I got the goofy faces when he deemed it suitable to sit at all, but we did get some great shots of the animals. It's hard to believe but he has more tests. He just had a science test and he got an A!!! and he has a social studies test on Wed. It seems like the kid has science and social studies tests about every 2 weeks. He starts wrestling Thurs. and is now in basketball. It should be much nicer than football with it's 2-2 1/2 hour practices. Well that's it for now. I'll leave you with lots of photos. Take care until next time. beth.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Well one more week until football season is over. Logan and I will be pretty happy. Rick I'm not so sure about. Logan had a pretty good season. His behavior was overall excellent. His effort was spotty at times and he didn't always try his best or do his best but overall he did pretty well. He did play very well in the games. He played second string offense, mostly guard or tackle and gave very good effort when he played. He was bummed that he didn't get to play defense and make tackles but he wasn't good enough this year. Maybe next year. Basketball starts right after football but at least it's only 2 hours/week.
School is going pretty well. So far Logan is getting all A's and B's on his tests and boy are there alot of them. At least when it's mom who has to do all the studying with him. We are still working on the behavior issues and socially well......we have along way to go still. Overall he is learning quite a bit. He loves science and math. Doesn't really like social studies. Language arts is enjoyable but sometimes it just doesn't move as fast as Logan would like.
So onto the pictures. A bunch of football photos and some swimming pics from last weekend. Talk to everyone soon. Beth