Well this was another great win for the boys. They won 31-6!! As you can tell they were pretty happy. As Logan plays on the offensive line as a center I don't get such interesting shots. There are only so many pictures of someone snapping the ball you can take before they all look the same.!!! I did get a few good shots of him blocking but even those shots are hard to come by. The line all blocks and so it is hard to get a clear shot of him when he is doing his job well because he is in the middle of the action. And Logan is number 54 for those who don't know .

In other news he continues to do well at school and as far as I know is on pace to make straight A's in the first semester. GO LOGAN. He is starting to make some school friends as well and today even played basketball with one of the boys in the neighborhood who is on his football team.
Monday he and Rick leave for 2 1/2 days for a school field trip to Jekyll Island to learn about ecology, biology and Florida ecosystems. I am not sure if Rick is excited to be roughing it and spending 3 days and nights with a
bunch of 9 and 10 year olds but
Logan is sure looking forward to it. I hope they have fun and that Logan

learns alot. Logan has really started to adjust well. He doesn't miss the old neighborhood at all anymore. He loves his new school, home, room, and neighborhood. He is even enjoying football for the most part although he REALLY misses playing defense. Well update more soon. Take care, Beth.