Go away now if too many pictures is not for you. This post is picture heavy!! So we had our first Iowa snow fall. Logan was in BOY heaven. Loving the snow and not so sad over the days out of school either. So Rick and I actually went and got snow clothes to go and enjoy the fun with him. AND YES INDEED RICK ACTUALLY WORE A COAT AND BOOTS !!! So all bundled up we head to go sledding. The first day we went was torture walking in the cold, wind and snow. The hills were a bit too wet for good sledding. I thought I'd die before we made it home. My chest hurt, my lungs were on fire and fun wasn't in the vocab. So the second day we drove and much better. The snow was iced over and packed down better and off we go. Logan and his friend had a blast. Rick had fun. AND even I had fun( if you can believe that) I looked a bit like a bag lady -- but who cares. Of course, there was a ramp-- but noone told me how much that sucker hurt. I went flying over that thing, came off the sled, and pounded down into the snow -- and let me tell you my OLD body is just not made to do that. My back, neck and shoulders still haven't found the right alignment!! A few times down was plenty for me but the boys just didn't wear out quite as fast. So I had fun being photographer and enjoying the glee of the kids and Rick. All FUN !! I now have muscles aching that I didn't know I had but it was cool. AND I was never COLD!! We were all so bundled up that we were sweating!! So without further ado.... PICS GALORE!!!
If you actually made it this far--- Happy Holidays to Everyone!! Can't wait to see Everyone soon. BETH!!!