So, lets see. Logan much to his chagrin is playing center. For the football illiterate, that means he is on offense and snapping the ball and then blocking. It is actually a pretty cool position if you must be on offense but to Logan being on offense is just pure torture. And being on offense and having a position with responsibility and that is important as well and where every mistake is noticed by the coaches and gets you yelled at.... well not so much fun. He still keeps hoping he may get to play some defense and make some tackles...but we'll see. His team won their first game 25 -6 --- pretty nice way to start. I guess we'll see how the rest of the season goes. Rick is one of the coaches and I get to be a team mom photographer. At the end of the season we will compile a DVD of photos for the kids of all the photos I and another mom take. Right up my alley.
School for Logan is super busy. So far he is doing well. He has 25 words spelling test every week, plus cursive writing and then a 20 word vocab test. I am not sure when his other tests will be. He already took his math test on Fri. and they plan on another one soon I guess. School here is much harder with many more projects, rules, etc. Oh well. Anyway onto the football pics. Logan is number 54, playing center and blocking. I will try and post some other photos of the house when I can. Beth

And for fun here are a few back to school photos from the first day. Nothing like a very long blog post to make up for my very, very long absence. Beth