Little tidbits from my world, life and days with Logan.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
well in preparation for the move to Iowa we thought we'd enjoy a little bit more of our favorite Busch Gardens and also try out Adventure Island. It was a great day at Busch and Adventure Island was empty. Almost no waits at anything. FUN!! Busch is still my favorite. Rick convinced Logan to try Kumba and Montu-- which he promptly declared as terrifying and nauseating but he loved Gwazi. Growing up right before my eyes. Hard to believe 5th grade starts in a month. At times he is so like Rick I wonder what I contributed to that child of mine. He is turning into such a typical preadolescent for good or bad. And in typical Logan fashion his mouth never stops. Its a wonder his jaw doesn't fatigue from chronic use.
Well here are the photos. As per my typical way more than anyone but me would want to see. BUT.... Enjoy. I'll update more as we get to Iowa. Beth