Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Dreadful Loss

Well today was the first blow out loss Logan had to deal with and it was not pretty. His team

lost 23 - 6 and the 6 points came in the final seconds of the game. As you can see he was not a happy camper. Not only does he not like to lose he did not feel he played a good game. The other team was much better than his but his team did not play well. Logan muffed some snaps early in the game but seemed to play better in the second half of the game. BUT that is part of

the whole game of sports. Losing and learning from it. He has to learn his role on the team and

to do his best but football is a team sport and the team also has to play well. OH well. It's just a game. So far he is doing well on his exams at school. ALL A's. Go LOGAN!! He just took another math test on Friday and we don't know how he did on that one and has a social studies test on Wednesday. Well that's it for now. Beth

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