Logan played hard and as you
may or may not be able
to see from some of these
photos he has some game face!! For those who aren't sure Logan is number 54!!
Unfortunately the team lost. It was quite an exciting game and they had some chances to win at the end but alas....Some games just don't get there!! Logan made all his snaps even with a heavy pass rush-- lots of big boys getting in his face trying to knock him down and he improved on his blocking. His team is now 1-2 not the best record but they will hopefully improve.

These are some beautiful shots of my boy that I forced him to take today because his visiting Grandma and Grandpa wanted some photos. I am biased but he is quite the little stunner. Of course the photos are all retouched a bit but none the less he is in my humble opinion quite "handsome" . He really enjoyed seeing Rick's parents whom he hadn't seen in some time but getting photos of him now is quite the challenge. These required threats of bodily harm and loss of TV viewing. Well hope everyone is well and speak to everyone soon. Beth