Well this was not a football weekend like I am used to...but probably what most of the country is used to. It was CHILLY for Logan's game. 53 degrees, slightly windy and damp. The field was a muddy mess due to the rain we'd had earlier. It is still Sept. but boy was it a wakeup call to the cold.
In Florida I'd still be in shorts and tank and dying of the heat. Here with a wool sweater and jacket I was still cold most of the early morn. It did warm up and turn beautiful later in the day but.....
Logan unfortunately did not have a good day. He missed several assignments/tackles and of course the other team scored. He is playing cornerback and just tries to get into the action too much by going inside when his job is to stay outside. The minute he goes inside the runner has an open field....
Of course his team is just not that good. They are now 0-3!! Oh well. He is playing both offense and defense now but I just haven't gotten to many good shots because of his position.
School is going well. He is really liking it and adjusting well. He just started playing trombone for the school band. We'll see how that goes. He doesn't seem to like it too much but it's only been a few days and he isn't very good at this point. Hopefully, as he gets better he will enjoy it more.
Well here are some (LOL!!) -- alot of photos. Talk to everyone soon. Beth