Well who'd have thunk it. Snow came early this year. 2nd weekend of Oct. and we had snow. My weekend started off with quite a bang. Literally. At the ungodly hour of 6:40 AM on Sat. morn as I am pulling out of the driveway in the dark, drizzly snow I managed to slam right into my visiting dad's car and somehow cause lots of damage. Not the greatest way to start a day. But off to the races or in this case the game. We arrive promptly at 7:30 for our 8AM game only to find out -- oops--- game is not until 9:30-- someone made a goof on the schedule. GREAT! Game finally starts and it is freezing. Snowy, windy, cold and wet. Not my idea of a fun 2 hours outside. Despite all my coverings I just froze and made several warm up stops to the car. Of course our native Floridian RICK came well dressed for the weather in a dorky hat, long sleeved shirt and SHORTS!! I can't count how many people asked me if the man owned pants.... Unfortunately, Logan's team lost again! (still winless) Logan played pretty well though in my opinion.
Logan loved the snow but hated the cold and playing football in the snow. He couldn't wait to get out of his things after the game and into warmer clothes. So, what can I say. I think this winter is going to be HORRIBLE!!
Enjoy the photos though.