Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Well I got motivated to scrap some pages,FINALLY!! Not quite sure why. So some of these are old photos and some are from this year. I can't believe my BABY is 11!!! I don't know how time keeps going so fast!! Iowa is finally getting VERY COLD!! No snow yet HOORAY!! but it was bitter today. I will be glad to have a few sunny days in Fla. soon. Logan had a nice yet quiet birthday. No party, no excitement. Presents with the family and dinner out but nothing too over the top. He got embarrassed when the servers at Applebees sang Happy Birthday to him. He got a set of golf clubs, a punching MAN(not bag) boxing gloves, some books he wanted, a Tommy 20 dart gun, 2 PS 2 games he wanted and some gift certificates. Not bad. He has been pretty happy here and seems to be doing well with all the adjustments. His report card was great and he has started his social skills therapy on Mondays. He is playing basketball with his classmates and Rick is an asst.coach which helps him out. He seems to enjoy it although he is not a great athlete. I am looking forward to watching his first game and will be sure to post lots of pics. Well enjoy the scrap pages. Talk soon. Beth

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