Well our last game of the season and the boys finally won!! YEAH!! Great game. It was a beautiful fall day although I still was bundled for the elements and froze for most of it.!! Logan had a great season this year and played both offense and defense. He seemed to enjoy it and his teammates. He had a minor injury on offense and got helped off the field but a few plays later was back playing again. Nothing too major I guess. I couldn't see what had happened. Think his leg got stepped on. Today I am taking Logan and his friend to see Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs in 3 D in Des Moines. While they movie watch I will go shopping at Costco. High Excitement!! Basketball starts in the next 2 weeks probably followed by Track and Field.
Rick is going to help coach basket ball. Busy boys. Basketball is going to be Tues. and Wed. nights for practice and games on Thurs. He is going to be on a team with 7 other boys from his schools fifth grade. Should be fun for him hopefully. He is a pretty lousy basketball player so this may be his last chance before it becomes too competitive.
I am now actually seeing patients!!!WOO HOO! I am glad to be getting back in the swing of things.
So of course here come a gazillion photos. Football and Logan and his friend goofing around. Till next time. Beth