Saturday, November 22, 2008


Well I am still suffering with the CRUD!! This stuff just doesn't want to leave. I have a few photos of Logan playing with Rick, being a star wars warrior, and just being Logan. Logan got an awesome report card for those I haven't told yet. Straight A's and all the social and behavioral stuff was ---TAH DAH-- satisfactory and outstanding(for doing his work on time) and the only thing that was satisfactory minus was paying attention and following instructions. Great improvement. Way to Go LOGAN!! That was his best report card yet and under comments it even said he was playing well with the children at recess!! Wow. So happy. He has really adjusted well to the move and is so much happier and doing so well. Rick and I are very pleased with his progress and how well he's doing. He still has a LOOOOONG way to go but he is definitely on the right track. Next week he is going to be 10!! How did that happen. I swear it was just yesterday I was trudging to the hospital with Rick to have him, wondering what he would look like and if he would be ok and now here we are 10 years later in a blink of an eye. How could it happen so quickly??
Well have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone. Talk soon. Beth

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Can you believe that little, scrawny, baby is my Logie Boy!! Boy time flies and how he changes. So handsome and beautiful now and so full of life and personality. The boy would argue with the devil himself. From such little beginnings. Well that's all for now. Love, Beth

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Well for Halloween Logan decided to be a very well muscled commando! He and a neighborhood boy went trick or treating until they decided to just go play. It was an atypically cold and damp night down here-- more like a northern night. Today--Sat. was Logan's last football game. They lost so they won't be going to the bowl game. I think Rick and Logan will be glad to have some time to themselves for a change. Logan played really well this season I think. He even started to like playing center and offense. He isn't sure if he wants to play anything else now for a while so we may have some quiet times. Here are some Halloween pics. He looks so young in these pictures. Hard to believe he is almost 10!! I will post some of the football pictures next week. Take care Beth

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